Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Laypoint and Smkmerge

Table 7.8. I/O API Header for STACK_GROUPS

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of PinG groups Determined by the PELVCONFIG file

Table 7.9. Variables in STACK_GROUPS

Variable Name Type Units Description
ISTACK Integer Unitless Stack group number
LATITUDE Real degrees Latitude
LONGITUDE Real degrees Longitude
STKDM Real m Inside stack diameter
STKHT Real m Stack height above ground surface
STKTK Real K Stack exit temperature
STKVE Real m/s Stack exit velocity
STKFLW Real m3/s Stack exit flow rate
STKCNT Integer Unitless Number of stacks in group
ROW Integer Unitless Grid row number
COL Integer Unitless Grid column number
XLOCA Real Coordinate system projection units Projection x coordinate
YLOCA Real Coordinate system projection units Projection y coordinate