7.2.3. ARMAT, MRMAT, and PRMAT

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Grwinven and Smkmerge

Table 7.5. I/O API Header for ARMAT, MRMAT, and PRMAT

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of reactivity sources NSREAC from the GENREACT subroutine
NVARS3D Number of reactivity species plus the four base variables The contents of the GSPRO file
NTHIK3D The number of SMOKE sources NSRC from the Smkinven program

Table 7.6. Variables in ARMAT, MRMAT, and PRMAT

Variable Name Type Units Description
SRCID Integer Unitless Inventory source ID (position)
REPEMIS Real UNITS from the AREA, MOBL, or PNTS file Reactivity base-year emissions
PRJFAC Real Unitless Reactivity projection factor
MKTPEN Real Fraction Reactivity control market penetration
Name of species 1 Real g/ton or mol/ton Inventory pollutant combined with model species name
... ... ... ...
Name of species NVARS3D Real g/ton or mol/ton Inventory pollutant combined with model species name