2.8.17. Report results of import step

The Smkinven program writes several reports to help you determine what it has done.

  1. A summary by CAS number of the emissions in tons/year. This includes the number of inventory records; whether all, some, or none of the pollutants associated with that CAS code are kept; and the CAS description. This report is written to a special report file (REPINVEN).

  2. A summary of emissions by CAS number and pollutant before and after the application of disaggregation factors based on the inventory table. This report shows, for instance, how chromium emissions get split out into different pollutants. The report is written to the REPINVEN file.

  3. A listing of the first 10 nonheader records in each inventory file. This information is written to the program log file.

  4. For area-to-point conversions (from Section 2.8.8, “Assign point-source locations to area sources”), a list of the SCCs that were converted, and the section number of the ARTOPNT input file used to assign the point locations. This information is written to the program log file.

  5. For area-to-point conversions, a list of any SCCs included in the ARTOPNT input file that do not also appear in the inventory. This report is written to the REPINVEN file.

  6. For area-to-point conversions, a summary of emissions totals by SCC and pollutant before and after the factors are applied, and the total number of country/state/county codes affected. A separate summary is provided that reports emissions by state, SCC, and pollutant, but otherwise has the same information. These reports are written to the REPINVEN file.

  7. For area-to-point conversions, a summary by SCC of the number of country/state/county codes being assigned area-to-point factors, and the number not being assigned those factors. This report is written to the REPINVEN file.

  8. For import of CEM data, a summary of ORIS IDs and boiler IDs from the CEM data that have been matched to the inventory. SMOKE allows for multiple plant descriptions and country/state/county codes for a single ORIS ID that may be identical in their characteristics but different boiler IDS. They are treated as separate sources by matching boiler IDs. This report is written to the REPINVEN file.

More information about these reports can be found in Section 8.5.1, “REPINVEN.