Smkinven must be run for point sources before Elevpoint. If the PELVCONFIG
file uses emissions as a source-grouping or source-selection criterion, then Temporal must be run before Elevpoint.
Elevpoint must be run before Laypoint.
Elevpoint must be run before Smkmerge if elevated sources are to be used.
Elevpoint is an optional program that is not needed if all of the following criteria are met:
A UAM-style model (e.g., UAM, REMSAD, CAMX) is not being used.
No MEPSE/PinG source processing is required.
You are willing to run Laypoint for all point sources and treat all as “potentially elevated”. In this case, sources that rise above layer 1 will be “elevated” for reporting purposes in Smkreport, but these sources may sometimes be within layer 1 if the plume rise algorithm in Laypoint computes it that way.