SMOKE version 3.5 Updates Overview | Changes by Program
MOVES Driver Script: | MOVES postprocessing script:
Gentpro | Met4moves | Movesmrg | Laypoint | Smkinven | Smkmerge | Spcmat
Added a new profile method "BASH_NH3" under "PROFILE_METHOD" that allows users to calculate temporal hourly profiles for livestock ammonia sources, and renamed the original AGNH3 method to RC_NH3.
Added a new flag "SPEFIFIC_HUMIDITY_YN" that allows users to optionally output specific humidity by temperature bin instead of relative humidity(RH)
Added a new output file "MOVES_RH_OUTFILE" for MOVES runspec_generator script to create RPD and PRV runspec MOVES input files. It contains the reference county-specific average RH, minimum and maximum temperatures by temperature bin and fuel month.
Disabled RH_STR_HOUR and RH_END_HOUR flags. All hour RH values will be used to compute average RH by temperature bin. MIN_NO_RH_BY_TEMPBIN flag to determine number of sources to compute average RH by temperature bins.
Removed AVERAGING_METHOD: [default: DAILY]. No longer support for Monthly averaging method for RPP processing
Added Source grouping option to support source apportionment method in CAMx and CMAQ models
Optionally output hourly emissions (Temporal intermediate output file) using MTMP_OUTPUT_YN. It requires new environment variable "MTMP_INV" as the output filename
Process new gridded min/max daily temperatures for RPP mode processing
Added warning message when there is no activity inventory SCC found in MOVES Lookup tables
Bug fix: Does not look for Jan 1 following year to process Dec 31
New vertical allocation algorithm when processing pre-computed plume rise variables (i.e., LAY1F, PBOT, PTOP) to avoid any discontinuity of plume during the model layer vertical allocations.
Enabling combining VOC and HAPs together for hourly and daily inventories for ORL and FF10 formats.
No longer setting all pollutants to zero when CEM NOx hourly emissions is zero.
Bug fix: Processing FF10_[NONPOINT|POINT]_[HOURLY|DAILY] inventory data files.
Bug fix: Replaced NHAPEXCLUDE_YN flag with SMK_PROCESS_HAPS. NHAPEXCLUDE_YN flag is no longer in use.
Source apportionment in SMOKE consists of grouping sources by characteristics (i.e. FIPS code, SCC, and point source information) and then tagging the emissions from those groupings for further analysis in the air quality model. The SMOKE programs Movesmrg and Smkmerge can optionally output the emissions in special files used for later source apportionment processing. See detail information from SMOKE v3.5 user's guide Chapter 4.4.24.
Expand speciation profile ID greater than 5 digit.