SMOKE version 3.1 Release Notes
SMOKE version 3.1 Updates Overview | Detailed Description of Updates by Program
MOVES Driver Script: | MOVES postprocessing script: | MOVES postprocessing script:
Gentpro | Met4moves | Movesmrg | Mrgpt | Smkinven | Smkreport | Temporal
Overview of Updates in SMOKE version 3.1
- MOVES processing scripts has been updated to support the latest MOVES2010b and to optionally support two additional emission processes: Evaporative Permeation (EPM) and Refueling (RFL). These updates are demonstrated in the SMOKE release test cases.
(1) For proper EPM mode processing, the user needs to update the chemical speciation profile (GSPRO) and cross-reference file (GSREF) input files to apply appropriate speciation profiles for on-network and off-network evaporative permeation emissions.
(2) For proper RFL mode processing, the user needs to treat RPD refueling and RPV refueling as individual sectors so that an appropriate spatial surrogate (i.e., Gas Station) can be applied.
- Met4moves allows the user to create county-specific minimum and maximum temperatures for SMOKE RatePerProfil (RPP) processing as default to improve the variation of evaporative fuel vapor venting emissions in the SMOKE modeling system.
- Met4moves and Movesmrg now allows the user to apply temperature buffer bins (TEMP_BUFFER_BIN) to intentionally expand the range of min/max temperatures for MOVES lookup table processing.
- Movesmrg can run using a memory optimization mode (MEMORY_OPTIMIZE_YN) when there is not enough memory to process multiple reference county MOVES lookup tables. The default setting of MEMORY_OPTIMIZE_YN is set to N.
- Movesmrg has been updated to support new emission processes (EPM and RFL) in the MOVES lookup tables.
- Movesmrg now allows the user to apply control factors to emission rates in MOVES lookup tables by FIPS, SCC, Pollutant, Emission Process and Processing month.
- A new SMOKE program Mrgpt allows the user to merge any point source hourly speciated emissions from Smkmerge and ASCII elevated output files from Elevpoint for CMAQ inline-mode.
- A new SMOKE utility program Gentpro that generates meteorology-based temporal profiles using MCIP meteorological input data for inventory sources. Please see 'The Gentpro Technical Summary Document' for more information.
- Smkinven supports 'SMKINVEN_FORMULA' feature for FF10 and EMS-95 hourly and daily inventories.
- Smkinven fully support processing various Flat File (FF10) format inventories with existing ORL, IDA, EMS-95 format inventories across all sectors (i.e., nonpoint, nonroad, onroad, and point), including FF10 month-specific and day-specific inventory values.
- Smkreport now provides correct totals when the inventory pollutant name is the same as the model species name (e.g., BENZENE), Smkreport had previously estimated the total amount of BENZENE incorrectly.
- Temporal supports Meteorological-based temporal profiles created by a new SMOKE utility program, Gentpro.
- Temporal now properly processes mobile source activity inventory data.
Detailed Description of Updates by Program
MOVES Driver Script:
- Added new pollutants (VOC and Hg) into a list of output pollutants.
- Added refueling (RFL) process IDs for RPD and RPV as a part of support of MOVES 2010b.
MOVES Post-processing Script:
This script is to convert MOVES output database tables into SMOKE-ready MOVES lookup tables that can be processed through Movesmrg.
- [--output expanded|consolidated|all] [-c] [-r RPD|RPV|RPP] InputDBlist OutputPath
: Added two new features [-r and -c] that allow the user to create various types of MOVES lookup tables.
See more detail information at
- Uses an optional ' -r' flag to indicate which process type of output files are desired: RPD, RPV or RPP. The default setting is to create all three at once.
- Uses an optional ' -c' flag to indicate whether to create combined tables that contain both the refueling (RFL) process along with other processes. The default setting is to create separate tables for refueling.
MOVES Post-processing Script:
This script is to optionally aggregate SMOKE-ready MOVES lookup tables MOVES-specific emissions processes into summarized emission processes used by SMOKE (i.e., EXH, EVP, EPM, RFL, BRK, and TIR). To operate properly, users must run from the directory where lives. The best approach is to put the two scripts in the same directory and then run directly from that directory.
- [--delete] [-c] [-r RPD|RPV|RPP] InputDBlist OutputPath
: Added two new feature [-c and -r] that allow the user to create process type of MOVES lookup tables desired.
See more detail information at'
- Uses an optional ' -r' flag to indicate which process type of output files are desired: RPD, RPV or RPP. The default setting is to create all three at once.
- Uses an optional ' -c' flag to indicate whether to create combined tables that contain both the refueling (RFL) process along with other processes. The default setting is to create separate tables for refueling.
: Defines averaging method to create inventory county-specific averaged RH and min/max temperatures for MOVES RPP processing.
- DAILY: Daily averaged RH and min/max temperatures for each inventory county within the user-specified modeling episode
- MONTHLY: Monthly averaged RH and min/max temperatures for each inventory county within the user-specified modeling episode
- TEMP_BUFFER_BIN: [default: 0.0]
: Defines the temperature buffer value (°F). This value will allow Met4moves to expand the min/max temperature range for MOVES RPP processing. If TEMP_BUFFER_BIN is set to 10.0, the original max temperature which is 90.0°F will be treated as 100.0°F, and the original minimum temperaure which is 30°F will be treated as 20.0°F internally in Met4moves.
: Allow the user to use less RAM memory. However, it will increase computational time of RPD_MODE and RPV_MODE runs.
- Y: Runs in memory optimization mode
- N: Runs in faster mode using high capacity of RAM memory
: Allows the user to apply control factor by region, SCC, pollutant, process mode, and month.
- Y: Apply control factors to MOVES emission rates from MOVES lookup tables.
- N: Do not apply control factors
- TEMP_BUFFER_BIN: [default: 0.0]
:Defines the temperature buffer value (°F). This value allows Movesmrg to cover the outside of min/max temperature range in SMOKE_OUTFILE from Met4moves for Movesmrg RPP processing. Emission rates for those temperatures outside of original temperatures will share the ones from orignal max/min temperatures. For an example, if TEMP_BUFFER_BIN is set to 10.0 and the original max temperature is 90.0°F, then an input temperature of 98.0°F will use the same emission factor as 90.0°F. While an input temperature of 101.0°F will raise an error because it is outside the extended temperature range of the MOVES lookup tables. The same approach will hold true for the minimum temperature.
will be treated as 100.0°F, and minimum temperaure (=30°F) will be treated as 20.0°F internally in Movesmrg. Emission rates for those temperatures outside of original temperature range will share the ones from original max/min temperatures.
This program is to create meteorology-based temporal profiles for inventory sources to obtain better representation of the temporal resolution of emissions. Please see 'The Gentpro Technical Summary Document' for more information. Here are two major flags that allow a user to create various representation and resolutions of temporal profiles.
: Indicates which of the three temporal profile types to generate by Gentpro
- RWC: use the Adelman's regression equation to calculate temporal profiles for residential wood combustion (RWC) sources
- AGNH3: use the Russell and Cass algorithm to calculate temporal hourly profiles for agricultural ammonia sources
- MET: use the time series of the selected meteorology variable to calculate temporal profiles
- TPRO_OUTPUT: [default:ALL]
: Specifies temporal resolution of temporal profiles to produce.
- MONTHLY: generate month of year temporal profiles
- DAILY: generate day of year temporal profiles
- HOURLY: generate hour of year temporal profiles. [Not applicable when PROF_METHOD = RWC. Only applicable when PROF_METHOD = AGNH3]
- ALL: generate all possible profiles for the selected profile method. [No hourly profiles will be generated when PROF_METHOD = RWC]
Enhancement: Enabling "SMKINVEN_FORMULA" feature for hourly and daily inventories in both FF10 and EMS-95 formats. For example, this is helpful to compute PMC.
Bug fix: Processing FF10_ACTIVITY, FF10_NONPOINT, FF10_POINT and FF10_[NONPOINT|POINT]_[HOURLY|DAILY] inventory formats with existing IDA, ORL, and EMS-95 formats
Enhancement: Updated to process meteorological-based temporal profiles created by Gentpro.
Bug fix: Gave an error while processing mobile source activity inventory data (i.e., VMT and VPOP).