12.3. Installing SMOKE

Steps for installing SMOKE:

  1. Make sure that the files you have downloaded for installation are in the same directory.

  2. Choose the directory in which you want to install SMOKE and the data files. This directory will be known as your EDSS_ROOT directory.

  3. At the command line, type:

    setenv EDSS_ROOT <your selected directory for SMOKE installation>

  4. Make sure your EDSS_ROOT directory exists by typing at the command line:

    mkdir -p $EDSS_ROOT

  5. Go to the directory in which you have saved the SMOKE installation files.

  6. Type the following at the command line:

    source smoke_install.csh

    This command will unzip and install the SMOKE files in your EDSS_ROOT directory.

The EDSS_ROOT setting is needed by the SMOKE scripts. Therefore, it is best to always have this setting defined when you log into your computer. To do this, perform the following additional steps before proceeding:

  1. Go to your home directory, then use a text editor to view the .cshrc file (note that this file is a hidden file, which can be listed in UNIX using the ls -a command at the prompt).

  2. In the .cshrc file, add the following line:

    setenv EDSS_ROOT <your selected directory for SMOKE installation>

  3. Save and close the .cshrc file. It will now always define your EDSS_ROOT directory when you log into the computer or when you open a new xterm window.

Now you are ready to run the SMOKE nctox case. Running SMOKE is described in Chapter 4, Using SMOKE Scripts, which discusses using SMOKE scripts. Please refer to Section 4.4, “Running SMOKE default cases” for instructions on running the default scripts for the nctox case. The current SMOKE documentation can be found online at http://www.cep.unc.edu/empd/products/smoke/.