7.2. Overlaying Spatial Data

7.2.1 Modes of the Allocator Program

The allocator program supports ALLOCATE and OVERLAY modes for operating on shapefiles, point files, polygon files, I/O API files and regular grid shapefiles.

The OVERLAY mode allows the user to specify a grid, bounding box, polygon, or set of polygons and then print the attributes of the shapes (i.e., points, lines, or polygons) from an input data file that fall within the boundaries of the specified region. One example of how this mode might be used is to start with a data set from a group of observation stations in a particular region and then overlay those data with a grid to determine which grid cells the observation stations reside in. The results may be printed to standard output or saved to a delimited file. Eventually, we may also be able to save the data to a shapefile or an I/O API file.

7.2.2 Overlay Printing Mode

When MIMS_PROCESSING is set to OVERLAY (a new processing mode in version 3.0), the Spatial Allocator responds to the following environment variables (bold text indicates required fields):

7.2.3 Overlay Mode Examples

Example overlay scripts are provided for Unix/Linux in C-shell format (.csh extension appended) These scripts can be executed directly from the scripts directory. If desired, you may edit the overlay script and set the SA_HOME environment variable to your new installation directory. The scripts place their output shapefiles in the output directory. The output files can be viewed with a GIS.

Several different overlay example scripts have been provided in order to give the reader an overview of how this new processing mode operates. The sample scripts for the overlay mode are:

The overlay_grid_on_ports.csh script is presented below as an example. The OVERLAY_TYPE is a bounding box, which means that OVERLAY_SHAPE will be set to a pair of x,y coordinates instead of to a file name. In all other cases, the OVERLAY_SHAPE is a file name. The file that is being overlaid by the bounding box is a shapefile with the same map projection as the bounding box (but this need not be the case, as the allocator program will convert between map projections as needed). The overlay output is being placed in a delimited file, as specified by OVERLAY_OUT_TYPE. The delimiter will be a COMMA, as specified by OVERLAY_OUT_DELIM. Because WRITE_HEADER is set to Y (yes), the names of the OVERLAY_ATTRS — in this case, NAME, BERTHS, LAT, and LONG — will be provided on the first row of ports_over_grid.csv. The MAX_INPUT_FILE_SHAPES variable can be set to any nonzero integer value to enable data "chunking" of the input file so that it is processed piecemeal instead of all at once. This reduces memory overhead in the program. Input file chunking is handy when very large shapefiles are being processed.

# Set debug output

# Set executable
setenv SA_HOME ..
setenv EXE "$SA_HOME/bin/allocator.exe"

# Set Input Directory
setenv DATADIR $SA_HOME/data
setenv OUTPUT $SA_HOME/output

# Select method of spatial analysis


setenv TIME time

setenv OVERLAY_SHAPE 1000000.0,-536000.0,1368000.0,-200000.0
setenv OVERLAY_TYPE BoundingBox
setenv OVERLAY_MAP_PRJN "+proj=lcc,+lon_0=-100.0,+lat_1=30.0,+lat_2=60.0,+lat_0=40.0"
setenv OVERLAY_ELLIPSOID "+a=6370997.00,+b=6370997.00"
setenv INPUT_FILE_NAME $DATADIR/tn_ports
setenv INPUT_FILE_TYPE ShapeFile
setenv INPUT_FILE_ELLIPSOID "+a=6370997.00,+b=6370997.00"
setenv INPUT_FILE_MAP_PRJN "+proj=lcc,+lon_0=-100.0,+lat_1=30.0,+lat_2=60.0,+lat_0=40.0"
setenv OVERLAY_OUT_TYPE DelimitedFile
setenv OVERLAY_OUT_NAME $OUTPUT/ports_over_grid.csv

echo "Overlaying ports with a grid (bounding box of grid)"

To Section 7.3: Filtering a Shapefile