3.4. Environment Variables Used by the Software

The main method for controlling the Spatial Allocator programs is through environment variables. This page is a reference page that describes all of the environment variables used by the programs srgcreate.exe and allocator.exe. (Note: not all variables are used in all circumstances) The active variables depend on the processing mode selected and the settings of the other options (e.g., grid name and a GRIDDESC file are not required unless you are using a grid as an input or output variable).

See Section 5.1:Creating Inputs to SMOKE Biogenic Processing for information on the environment variables used by beld3smk.exe and diffioapi.exe

3.4.1 Helper Variables Found in Scripts

The following environment variables are used to help locate files and directories in the example scripts, but they are not recognized by any of the Spatial Allocator programs:

3.4.2 Program Control Variables

The following variables control how the allocator and srgcreate programs behave:

3.4.3 Surrogate Input Specification Variables

The following variables are used by srgcreate.exe to specify information relating to the inputs used to create surrogates.

3.4.4 Surrogate Output Specification Variables

The following variables are used by srgcreate.exe to specify information relating to the output of surrogates.

3.4.5 Map Projection and GRID Specification Variables

The following variables are used by srgcreate.exe and allocator.exe to specify information relating to the map projections of surrogate input and output files. Note: when the name of a grid is specified for a map projection variable, the map projection information is obtained from that of the corresponding grid in the GRIDDESC file. For more information on the specification of map projections and ellipsoids, see Section 3.4:Specifying Grids, Ellipsoids, and Map Projections.

The following variables are used by srgcreate.exe only:

The following variables are used by both allocator.exe and srgcreate.exe:

The following variables are used by allocator.exe:

3.4.6 Variables Specifying Input and Output File Characteristics

The following variables are used by allocator.exe when run in various modes to specify information about input and output files.

3.4.7 Overlay Mode Specific Variables

The following variables are used by allocator.exe when run in OVERLAY mode to specify information relating to the overlay shape.

3.4.8 Allocate Mode-Specific Variables

The following variables are used by allocator.exe when run in ALLOCATE mode to specify information relating to the allocation process.

To Section 3.5: Specifying Grids, Ellipsoids, and Map Projections