Program wrftom3


    setenv  GRIDDESC    <path name>
    setenv  OUTGRID     <GRIDDESC-name for the output-grid>
    setenv  WRFFILE     <path name>
    setenv  OUTFILE     <path name>
    setenv  CONFIG      <path name>

    wrftom3 <and respond to the prompts>


Program wrftom3 will read and optionally window a set of variables from a WRF netCDF file, and write the results to an I/O API file, as specified by the ASCII configuration-file ${CONFIG}:
${CONFIG} is list-formatted (names are quoted strings), with one variable per line, for the variables to be extracted/windowed. Each line has two fields as follows:
        <(input) WRF name>   <(output) M3IO name>
WRF names have length at most 32; M3IO names have length at most 16.
All variables listed in a single ${CONFIG} have the same "stagger" and vertical structure.
All variables listed in a single ${CONFIG} must be of type DOUBLE&nsp;PRECISION, REAL, or INTEGER.

Use ${OUTGRID} = " " (i.e., BLANK) to use the native WRF grid as the output grid.

The program will prompt you for starting date time, time step, and number of time steps to process.

See Also:

Program wrfgriddesc to read the header-data from a WRF-netCDF output file and create a GRIDDESC file.



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