Annual Simulations of Models-3/CMAQ:
Issues and Lessons Learned, Pat Dolwick, Carey Jang, Norm Possiel,
Brian Timin, Joe Tikvart |
An Assessment of Models-3 Performamce
During the 1999 SOS Nashville Study, Elizabeth M. Bailey, Larry
L. Gautney, Jerry W. Condrey, Jimmie J. Kelsoe, and Mary E. Jacobs |
Diagnostic Testing in the
Evaluation of CMAQ Against Observations From SOS Field Intensives, J.R.
Arnold & Robin L. Dennis |
Preliminary Evaluation of the June 2002
Version of CMAQ, Brian Eder, Shaocai Yu, Robin Dennis, Jonathan Pleim
and Kenneth Schere |
Gail Tonnesen |
WRAP Experience: Investigating Model
Biases, Uma Shankar, Rohit Mathur, and Francis Binkowski |
Selected Results of Modeling with the
CMAQ Plume-in-Grid Approach, James M. Godowitch |
Modeling at the Neighborhood Scale, Sylvain
Dupont, Jason Ching and Tanya Otte |
Inventory Issues and Modeling - Some
Examples, Brian Timin |
Operational Evaluation and Comparison of
CMAQ and REMSAD- An Annual Simulation, Brian Timin, Carey Jang, Pat
Dolwick, Norm Possiel, Tom Braverman |
Application of Models3/CMAQ to Phoenix
Airshed, Sang-Mi Lee and Harindra J. S. Fernando |
Modeling Aerosol Formation and Transport
in the Pacific Northwest with the CMAQ Modeling System, Susan M.
O'Neill, Brian K. Lamb, Jack Chen, Candis Claiborn, Dennis Finn, Sally
Otterson, Cristiana Figueroa, Clint Bowman, Mike Boyer, Rob Wilson, Jeff
Arnold, Steven Aalbers, Jeffrey Stocum, Christopher Swab, Matt Stoll, Mike
Dubois, Mary Anderson |
Models-3's Application in FAQS Projects:
Impact of Urban Definition's Change on Model Results, Yongtao Hu, M.
Talat Odman, Maudood Khan, Armistead Russell |
Air Quality Modeling of PM2.5 Species, Kirk
Baker |
Recent Applications of MM5, SMOKE, and
CMAQ in Canada, J. Wayne Boulton, Mike Lepage, Xin Qiu and Martin
Gauthier |
CMAQ Sensitivity Testing for the Eastern
United States, Jeffrey
W. Stehr |
A Study of Photochemical Processes of the
Houston-Galveston Metropolitan Airshed with EPA CMAQ, Daewon W. Byun |
CRC NARSTO- Northeast Modeling Study, Ralph
E. Morris, Edward Tai, Greg Yarwood |
Modeling Regional Haze in Big Bend
National Park with CMAQ, Betty Pun, Christian Seigneur and Shiang-Yuh
Wu |
Zion Wang |
Development of the WRF-CMAQ Interface
Processor, Seung-Bum Kim & Daewon W. Byun |
Implementation of a Direct Sensitivity
Method into CMAQ, Daniel S. Cohan, Yongtao Hu, Amir Hakami, M. Talat
Odman, Armistead G. Russell |
Shan He |
Integration of Wildfire Emissions into
Models-3/CMAQ with the Prototypes: Community Smoke Emissions Modeling
System (CSEM) and BLUESKY, Mike Sestak, Susan O.Neill, Sue Ferguson,
Jason Ching, Douglas G. Fox |
Integration of Criteria and Toxic
Pulltants in SMOKE, Madeline Strum, Marc Houyoux, Ron Ryan, Greg
Stella, Bill Benjey, Gerald Gipson, Rich Cook |
Future Enhancements of the CMAQ Model, Jonathan
Pleim |
Development and Application of a
State-of-the-Science Plume-in-Grid Model CMAQ-APT, Prakash
Karamchandani, Christian Seigneur, Krish Vijayaraghavan, Shiang-Yuh Wu,
Alan Hansen, and Naresh Kumar |
Incorporation of the Model of Aerosol
Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization and Dissolution (MADRID) into CMAQ, Yang
Zhang, Betty Pun, Krish Vijayaraghavan, Shiang-Yuh Wu, and Christian
Seigneur |
Development of a Modularised Aerosol
Module in CMAQ, Weimin Jiang & Helmut Roth |
Performance Evaluation of Emissions
Models, Mark Janssen |
MCPL An I/O API Output Module for MM5, Carlie
J. Coats, Jr. |
The Sensitivity of Aerosol Sulfate to
Changes in Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds, Ariel F.
Stein |
Applications of Models-3/CMAQ in
California, Bruce Jackson, Jinyou Liang, Daniel Chau, Luis Woodhouse,
Paul Allen, Kemal Gürer, Shuming Du, John DaMassa, Andrew Ranzieri and
Ajith Kaduwela |
Application of CMAQ with RAMS to Air
Quality in the Osaka Area in Japan, Seiji Sugata, Shinji Wakamatsu,
Toshimasa Ohara, and Itsushi Uno |
Evaluation and Intercompariso of N2O5
Chemistry in Two Versions of CMAQ, Chao-Jung Chien, Gail S. Tonnesen,
Bo Wang, Zion S. Wang, Mohammad Omary |
GIST: A New Tool for Visualizing
Geographic Data, Alison M. Eyth & Prashant P. Pai |
CMAQ and the New York Climate &
Health Project, Patrick L. Kinney, Christopher Small, William D.
Solecki, Roni Avissar, Christian Hogrefe, Michael Ku, Kevin Civerolo,
Cynthia Rosenzweig, David Werth, Tracey Holloway, Joyce E. Rosenthal, Kim
Knowlton, Anjali Puri |
Distribution of Air Pollutants in
Northeast Asia According to Synoptic Meteorology in May 1999, J.Y. Kim,
Y.S. Ghim, J.-G. Won, S.-C. Yoon |
Reconsider Model Performance with FDDA in
Multiple Nested Domains, Qi Mao, Stephen F. Mueller, Larry L. Gautney |
Real-Time Applications of a CMAQ-Related
Photochemical Model, John McHenry, Jeff Vukovich, Carlie Coats, Ted
Smith, Don Olerud, and Aaron Sims |
Using Models3/CMAQ to Simulate Regional
Air Quality in China, Xiaoping Wang, Yongtao Hu, Armistead Russell,
Denise Mauzerall, Yuanhang Zhang |
Simulation of Ozone and PM in Southern
Taiwan, Yee-Lin Wu and Der-Min Tsai |
Modeling Aerosol Formation and Transport
in the Pacific Northwest Region with the CMAQ Modeling System, Jack
Chen, Susan M. O'Neill, Brian K. Lamb |