CMAS Community Applications
The CMAS Center is committed to helping the U.S. EPA improve the experience of the air quality modeling community in using CMAQ, SMOKE, and the other software supported by the CMAS Center. We are interesting in finding out how the software is being used in the community. This blog is a way to share information about your experiences with the CMAS-supported software. We encourage you to contribute to this blog through providing links to project webpages/wikis, journal articles, presentations, and short narratives about how these tools have been used. While we are particularly interested in planning and regulatory applications, information about any applications are of interest.
Send an email to cmas(at) to request a login for this wiki for adding content to the blog.
Example Application (Name or ID)
Project Contact, Affiliation: Adel Hanna, U. of North Carolina
Project Period: 6/1/2015 - 12/31/2017
Project Sponsor: Funding source organization(s)
Project Website: add link or reference, if available
Publications/Reports: add link or reference, if available
Application Type (Planning, Research, Forecasting, Other): Planning
CMAS Software Used in Project: SMOKE, CMAQ, VERDI
Abstract: Regional modeling study of the Southeast US for the 2011 and a 2023 projection year. 12-km CONUS domain with a 4-km nest over North Carolina. SMOKE was used to process the NEI2011v2 for input CMAQ. The CMAQ results were run through MATS to calculate base and future year ozone design values for monitors in North Carolina.
Western Air Quality Study
Project Contact, Affiliation: Tom Moore, WESTAR
Project Period: 4/1/2014 - 12/31/2016
Project Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US EPA Region 8, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico
Project Website:
Publications/Reports: Final model performance evaluation report
Application Type (Planning, Research, Forecasting, Other): The WAQS modeling is being used to support NEPA Environmental Impact Assessment modeling for oil and gas development projects, SIP modeling, and research in the western U.S.
CMAS Software Used in Project: SMOKE, CMAQ, MCIP, PAVE, AMET
Abstract: The Western Air Quality Study (WAQS) project performed regional photochemical grid modeling (PGM) for the years 2008 and 2011 using the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) version 6.20 and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.0.2. Version B of the WAQS base 2011 modeling platform (WAQS_Base11b) includes air quality modeling results for 36-km, 12-km, and 4-km modeling domains. The WAQS 2011b modeling platform includes a future projection year (2025). SMOKE was used to prepare emissions for CAMx and CMAQ. PAVE and AMET were used in the evaluation of the PGM and meteorology modeling results. The WAQS modeling platforms were developed to support NEPA modeling, state planning, and research in the intermountain west.