IMPROVED MASS-CONSERVING ADVECTION - 18 December 2009 The mass-conserving advection scheme in CMAQ uses an upwind donor cell method for the vertical component, which is known to be first order numerically diffusive. A higher order, less diffusive scheme has been developed, which adjusts the diagnosed mass fluxes using the Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM). In the previous vertical advection scheme, the vertical velocities are calculated using mass fluxes derived from the differences between the tranported densities and those generated by the meteorological model, e.g. WRF (the "densities" are actually density coupled with the vertical Jacobian based on the generalized coordinates used). In the new version, the velocites are further adjusted by the ratio of the upwind fluxes to PPM-calculated fluxes based on the upwind velocities. This velocity adjustment is iterated, if necessary until the fluxes are closely matched. Testing has shown that the artifically high numerical diffusion arising from the low order, upstream method used in the yamo vertical advection has been significantly reduced. The tests indicate what seems to be a modest CPU time impact.