CVS_NETCDF - 14 September 2005 ==========================================================================+ CVS-1.11 Release---------------------------------------------------------+ ==========================================================================+ Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a software configuration management tool that controls the concurrent editing of sources by several users working on releases built from a hierarchical set of directories. For an overview of CVS, see the Web page at: This page leads to source code download links and binary distributions for some Unix platforms: A wealth of documentation can be found at: Instructions for installing the CVS package 1) cd to the location where you want to unpack the software. 2) Download file cvs-1.11.tar.gz from the distribution WEB site 3) Uncompress and extract the files using gunzip and tar commands. - enter "tar -xvfz cvs-1.11.tar.gz" to uncompress and extract files These steps should create a cvs-1.11 directory that contains files used to create the CVS package via make. 3) cd to directory cvs-1.11 and read the README and INSTALL files. In the INSTALL file there are more detailed instructions and suggestions on configure options and environmental variables needed for various systems that you may need to set before running the configure script. 4) We found that we needed to set the following environment variable: setenv CC 'gcc' (for the C compiler) 5) Run the "configure" script with the option shown: - enter "./configure --prefix=target_directory ("--prefix=" defines the target location where CVS will be installed.) 6) Run the "make" program. This compiles the source files. 7) Run the "make install" program. This installs the CVS package in four subdirectories (bin, lib, info, and man) in your target directory. ==========================================================================+ Instructions for building netCDF-3.6.0-p1 for LINUX----------------------+ ==========================================================================+ 1) download the netcdf compressed tar file (netcdf.tar.gz) from the ftp site ( 2) uncompress and extract files tar xvfz netcdf.tar.gz 3) go to the netcdf-3.6.0-p1/src directory and read INSTALL file 4) set enviroment variables for your system setenv FC pgf90 setenv CC gcc setenv FFLAGS "-O2" setenv CPPFLAGS "-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE" 5) execute the configure script Decide on where you want to install this package. This will be used as the --prefix= argument to the configure script below. The default installation prefix is "..", which will install the package's files in ../bin, ../lib, ../man, etc. -- relative to the top-level source directory. ./configure [--prefix=_whatever_you_decided] The square brackets above merely indicate that the "prefix" specification is optional: do not type them. 6) run make to compile and link make 7) run make to test make test 8) run make to install make install These steps should create directories /bin, /include, /lib, and /man in the location specified with the prefix argument or in the parent directory as default (see step 5).