README for CMAQv4.5 - 15 Sep 2005 This README file outlines the steps necessary to build and run CMAQ models. The code has been tested on a variety of platforms, but the build and run scripts that are included in the tar files are set up to compile and run on Linux (we tested on Redhat Linux 8.0 with the Portland Group F90 compiler pgf90 version 5.0). In case you want to run on another platform, the C-shell scripts are easy to modify for any Unix implementation. CMAQ version 4.5 (CMAQv4.5) is released to the user community accompanied by example scripts that invoke a specific configuration of the model. This configuration has been used by U.S. EPA in operational evaluation studies prior to release of the model, and the results of these evaluations accompany this release. There are other features and options within the CMAQ modeling system within this release, beyond this specific model configuration, that have not yet been fully evaluated and documented, that are also available to users. As always, we are interested in feedback from the user community on experiences using the CMAQ modeling system. The Stand-Alone CMAQ package contains data and scripts to execute a series of tutorial runs that demonstrate the CMAQ system. The tutorial case produces concentrations for a 32 km horizontal resolution grid (coarse domain) and a nested 8 km grid (fine domain). Input datasets for the tutorial case are provided in file M3DATA.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz; the user must work through the system of CMAQ models to produce the inputs required for the downstream model(s). These inputs (preprocessor model outputs) must reside in the specified subdirectories (see below in item 13). Model-generated datasets have been provided in a separate gzipped tar file, M3DATA_REF.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz, to compare with your outputs. The run scripts and comparison output data reflect the scenario period for the tutorial runs: two 24-hour periods starting 0Z:1999183 (2 July 1999) and 0Z:1999184 (3 July 1999). The distribution package consists of the following files: o README - this readme text file o TUTORIAL_PROCEDURE - text file describing how to work through the tutorial runs o ADVECTION_DIFFUSION - text file containing comments on advection schemes and eddy diffusivity changes in CMAQv4.5 o AEROSOL_NOTES - text file containing comments on aerosol updates in CMAQv4.5 o CHLORINE_CHEMISTRY_NOTES - text file containing comments on chlorine chemistry option available in CMAQv4.5 o CVS_NETCDF - text file explaining the CVS configuration management system and the netCDF data system and how to set them up o EVALUATION_TOOLS - text file containing comments on tools for preparing model data for evaluation o HAZARDOUS_AIR_POLLUTANTS - text file containing comments on the air toxics option available in CMAQv4.5 o IOAPI - text file explaining how to get the I/O API system and set up the libraries o PARALLEL_NOTES - text file containing comments related to running the CMAQ CCTM in Linux MPICH clusters o PING_PDM_NOTES - text file containing comments related to running the CMAQ CCTM with plume-in-grid treatment o RELEASE_NOTES - text file containing a list of the changes since the last release o SMOKE - text file describing the SMOKE emissions system and how to set it up (not required for the tutorial) o SULFATE_TRACKING - text file containing comments on the sulfate tracking version of CMAQ o M3MODELS.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz - gzipped tar file (~4.5 Mb) containing CVS source code archives for models, tools, and libraries o M3DATA.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz - gzipped tar file (~109 Mb) containing the required datasets not produced by this package o M3SCRIPTS.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz - gzipped tar file (~17 Kb) containing C-Shell scripts to build and execute the CMAQ models o M3DATA_REF.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz - gzipped tar file (~346 Mb) containing reference data to compare with datasets produced by the tutorial on a Linux workstation ** NOTE: You must have CVS, IOAPI and netCDF (see the CVS_NETCDF and IOAPI readme files for additional information). The following outlines a sequence of steps you can follow to build and run the codes: 1) Set the environment variable M3HOME for the directory where you will install CMAQv4.5, for example: setenv M3HOME /project/air5/sjr/CMAS4.5/rel 2) Set environment variables (paths) for M3MODEL, M3LIB and M3DATA as: setenv M3MODEL $M3HOME/models setenv M3LIB $M3HOME/lib (you need to create this subdirectory) setenv M3DATA $M3HOME/data 3) cd to $M3HOME and gunzip and untar the data tar file, M3DATA.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz. This will produce the following subdirectories: data/ bcon/ <<<<<<< empty, to be filled by the user cctm/ <<<<<<< empty, to be filled by the user emis/ tut02/ icon/ <<<<<<< empty, to be filled by the user jproc/ <<<<<<< empty, to be filled by the user mcip3/ M_08_99NASH/ M_32_99NASH/ pdm/ <<<<<<< empty, only needed if running pdm & ping procan/ raw/ bcon/ icon/ phot/ 4) Create (mkdir) the subdirectory $M3LIB and the following subdirectories under $M3LIB: ioapi_3/ netCDF/ pario/ stenex/ **Concerning netCDF: The scripts assume that netCDF resides in the $M3LIB path as $M3LIB/netCDF. If netCDF is installed elsewhere on your system, create a symbolic link in $M3LIB/netCDF to the existing netCDF (see CVS_NETCDF). Example for Linux cluster: mkdir -p $M3LIB/netCDF/Linux cd $M3LIB/netCDF/Linux ln -s /project/air5/sjr/CMAS4.5/rel/lib/netCDF/Linux/lib/libnetcdf.a . **Concerning ioapi_3: We recommend that you download IOAPI version 3.0 from the BAMS web site ( and compile the libraries that you need. This is done by editing the appropriate Makeinclude file(s) for the compiler flags, if necessary, and setting the "BIN" environment variable appropriately - see the IOAPI readme file included with this release. The scripts are configured to look for the ioapi_3 library here: $M3LIB/ioapi_3/Linux2_x86pg and the ioapi_3 include files from the fixed_src directory here: $M3LIB/ioapi_3/fixed_src 5) In $M3HOME gunzip and untar the models archive tar file, M3MODELS.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz. This will produce the following subdirectories: models/ BCON/ BUILD/ CCTM/ ICON/ JPROC/ PARIO/ PDM/ PROCAN/ STENEX/ TOOLS/ include/ 6) Make a working directory (NOT in either the $M3MODEL, $M3LIB or $M3DATA trees), cd there and gunzip and untar M3SCRIPTS.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz. This will produce the following subdirectories, which contain "bldit" and "run" C-shell scripts and a GRIDDESC file (see item 17(b). under "other details" below): scripts/ GRIDDESC1 bcon/ build/ cctm/ icon/ jproc/ pario/ pdm/ procan/ stenex/ Not necessary, but for the sake of further discussion create an environment variable for the "scripts" working directory, $WORK. *** IMPORTANT *** Before any of the build scripts will work on your system, it is necessary to change the name and location of the Fortran compiler in these scripts (see the FC environment variable) and the directory path of the Mpich libraries (see the MPICH environment variable) to your native environment. 7) First, create the IOAPI library required for the models. See the IOAPI readme file included with this release. mkdir $M3LIB/ioapi_3 <<<<<<< install here 8) Next create the stencil exchange library required for parallel processing (se_snl) and serial processing (sef90_noop): cd $WORK/stenex Execute (type) Execute (type) bldit.se_noop.pgf 9) For parallel CCTM operation create the parallel I/O library (pario): cd $WORK/pario Execute (type) bldit.pario.pgf 10) Create m3bld, the tool required to build the executables for the CMAQ processors, model and tools. cd $WORK/build execute (type) bldit.m3bld Note: Although m3bld is really a tool, we put it in with the "libraries." 11) Now create the model executables: JPROC is created and run only once for the tutorial; ICON and BCON need to be compiled and run separately for profile data (coarse grid) and for nest data (fine grid); CCTM is compiled only once. See the TUTORIAL_PROCEDURE readme file for details. Generally, you will need to get the MCIP3 code and run it to create met data from MM5 for CCTM. MCIP3 can be downloaded from the same site as this distribution package. And of course, you will need "model-ready" emissions data - presumably from SMOKE. See the SMOKE readme file included with this package. For this tutorial release we have provided the model-ready emissions and met data. Start with JPROC (cd to $WORK/jproc). Invoke "bldit.jproc.pgf". There will be a lot of text displayed to standard out (which you can capture of course, by redirecting to a file). The process should end with a JPROC executable, which is invoked in the second script, "run.jproc", producing output data files. These data files will be inserted into the path predefined in the run script, $M3DATA/jproc. **Note: The "run.jproc" script is set up to produce daily J-value tables for the cb4_ae4_aq mechanism starting from 30 June to 14 July 1999. This works as long as you're not using TOMS data, in which case you would need to run one day at a time. **Note: It's always a good idea to capture in a log file the text written to standard out when running these models. In each "run" script, near the top, is a suggested method (e.g. for JPROC): run.jproc >&! jproc.log & 12) Check the JPROC log file to ensure complete and correct execution. Then cd to $WORK/icon and follow the same procedure; invoke "bldit.icon.pgf", followed by "run.icon >&! icon.log &". This will produce the first (profile) dataset for the first run of CCTM on the coarse domain. After CCTM finishes, you will need to generate a nest dataset for the fine domain. See the TUTORIAL_PROCEDURE readme file for details. 13) Follow this procedure for BCON and CCTM. If you are running through the tutorial, see the TUTORIAL_PROCEDURE readme file. 14) Finishing with CCTM, you should have a complete collection of datasets, which you can compare with the distribution datasets in M3DATA_REF.CMAQv4.5.tar.gz. Unless you modify the run scripts, the output data from all the models will reside in the following (automatically generated) paths: $M3DATA/ bcon/ cctm/ icon/ jproc/ 15) Concerning parallel CCTM operation: We have tested the "bldit" script for both serial and parallel compilation. The source code is the same for both. Only some libraries are different as well as the run scripts. The "stenex" library for parallel is different than for serial; "pario" is needed only for parallel. We ran successfully on a Scyld Beowulf Linux cluster, but this release was set up and tested for a "standard" MPICH linux cluster, requiring the addition of a C code that distributes the run time environment from the node that launches the run to the other participating nodes. Thanks to Bo Wang and Zion Wang of CERT-UC-Riverside, who developed and tested this code. Also, see the PARALLEL_NOTES readme file. (Note: The initial concentrations pre- processor, ICON can also be executed in parallel, but we have not tested this for Linux clusters.) 16) Concerning non-parallel CCTM operation (to run the model in serial): Modify the bldit.cctm.linux script as follows and build the single processor version of CMAQ: 40c40 < set APPL = e2a --- > set APPL = e1a 49c49 < set ParOpt # set for multiple PE's; comment out for single PE --- > #set ParOpt # set for multiple PE's; comment out for single PE Then modify the run.cctm script as follows: 19,20c19,20 < set APPL = e2a < set CFG = e2a --- > set APPL = e1a > set CFG = e1a 25,26c25,26 < #setenv NPCOL_NPROW "1 1"; set NPROCS = 1 # single processor setting < setenv NPCOL_NPROW "4 2"; set NPROCS = 8 --- > setenv NPCOL_NPROW "1 1"; set NPROCS = 1 # single processor setting > #setenv NPCOL_NPROW "4 2"; set NPROCS = 8 185c185 < # time $BASE/$EXEC --- > time $BASE/$EXEC 188,191c188,191 < set MPIRUN = /share/linux/bin/mpich-ch_p4/bin/mpirun < set TASKMAP = $BASE/machines8 < cat $TASKMAP < time $MPIRUN -v -machinefile $TASKMAP -np $NPROCS $BASE/$EXEC --- > #set MPIRUN = /share/linux/bin/mpich-ch_p4/bin/mpirun > #set TASKMAP = $BASE/machines8 > #cat $TASKMAP > #time $MPIRUN -v -machinefile $TASKMAP -np $NPROCS $BASE/$EXEC Note: You can change the default script by using the Unix "patch" utility. Cut the indented section listed above into a file, say "mod." Then type "patch run.cctm mod." 17) Other details: a. You can check output ioapi file headers (and data) using the netCDF utility ncdump. This utility will be located in the same place as netcdf, mentioned in (4) above. b. The GRIDDESC file contains horizontal projection and grid domain definitions that are required input for many CMAQ models. The run scripts for ICON, BCON, and CCTM contain environment variables that point to the GRIDDESC file. The horizontal grid definition can be set to window from the met and emissions input files. However, the window must be a "proper subset" (i.e., a subset from the interior of the domain and not including boundaries). Note: The domains represented by the met and emissions data must be the same. c. Running CCTM for a windowed domain or a higher resolution nested domain from larger or coarser met and emissions datasets requires creating initial and boundary data for the target domain using ICON and BCON.