AEROSOL_NOTES - 15 Mar 2006 1. ISORROPIA. Recomputed tabulated Kusik-Meissner binary activity coefficients: The ISORROPIA aerosol equilibrium model can be run either in "online" mode, in which activity coefficients are computed each time it is called, or in "tabulated" mode, which instead uses lookup tables for the activity coefficients of each of 13 salts. The tabulated mode is used in the default configuration of CMAQ. There are six sets of tables, computed for ambient temperatures of 198, 223, 248, 273, 298, and 323 K. Each table is indexed by ionic strength. There were some inconsistencies between the online computation method and the tabulated activity coefficients. The tabulated coefficients have been recalculated by calling ISORROPIA in online mode for each of the above six temperatures and for the midpoint of each discretization interval of the ionic strength. In addition, 10**GAMA has been replaced by EXP(LN10*GAMA) in subroutine CALCACT for computational efficiency. The aerosol nitrate predictions are frequently lower as a result of these changes, especially during winter, and are more numerically stable. 2. Aerosol processing in clouds: A problem was identified in processing the aerosol size distribution through the aqueous chemistry module. In the past, aerosol species EC and A25 were lumped together into aqchem species "PRI" and species AORGA, AORGB, and AORGPA were lumped into aqchem species "ORG". The species lumping caused a problem because: (1) the molecular weights are different for each species, affecting the 3rd moment calculation within AQCHEM; and (2) secondary organics were included in the 3rd moment calculation, which is later used to update the 2nd moment...but in the current CMAQ, the 2nd moment is transported without the secondary organic aerosols (see subroutine GETPAR in the aerosol module); only primary organics contribute to the 2nd moment during transport. To correct this problem, modeled aerosol species were added to AQCHEM for elemental carbon, primary organic, biogenic secondary organic, and anthropogenic secondary organic. In addition, the aerosol "3rd moment" calculation was updated to include EC and primary organics (not secondary). All of the chemical mechanisms have been modified to include the mapping of aerosols to the new aqueous species (EC, ORGA, ORGB, ORGP). Changes are isolated to include file AE_A2AQ.EXT. In our testing, the standard deviation of the aerosol size distribution is reduced somewhat and less often approaches the maximum value of 2.5. In response to the change in standard deviation, the geometric mean diameter of the aerosol size distribution is increased. Because of the changes in the aerosol distribution, generally the particle dry deposition was reduced and sulfate air concentrations were slightly increased.