Information about SMOKE - 27 June 2002 The Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission (SMOKE) model was developed by the Environmental Modeling Center at MCNC under cooperative research agreements and contracts with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The emission data for the tutorial of this release of CMAQ were prepared with SMOKE. SMOKE code is open source Fortran90 code, and is consistent with the netCDF I/O API convention used by CMAQ. SMOKE was recently updated to accept hourly and Continuing Emission Monitoring (CEM) data. Emission inventory data are accepted by SMOKE in the Inventory Data Analyzer (IDA) format (described in the SMOKE documentation). Speciation for selected gas phase lumped species mechanisms is included. Currently, lumping to accommodate the CB4 and RADM2 lumped species mechanisms is accomplished by SMOKE. Support for the SAPRC99 lumped species mechanism is planned. In the interim, the speciation files required to use SAPRC lumping in SMOKE can be obtained from the Atmospheric Modeling Division in EPA on request. SMOKE also speciates fine particulate emissions (PM 2.5) to six particulate categories to support the aerosol chemistry portions of CMAQ. Hourly biogenic and on-road mobile emission data are modeled directly using BEIS 3.09 and Mobile 5b, respectively, which are embedded in SMOKE. It is anticipated that Mobile 6 will be in SMOKE soon. BEIS 3.09 in SMOKE will use either county level resolution or the 1 km resolution North American BELD land cover data. The most recently released version of SMOKE (version 1.4 beta) may be downloaded from the MCNC web site at A user manual, including file formats, a separate test case (not the tutorial with this CMAQ release), and other relevant links are available on the SMOKE page. Click on "Download EDSS and SMOKE" to access the SMOKE code and specific installation instructions for your system.